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Helping to protect benefit eligibility.

The AHRC New York City Foundation offers two types of pooled special needs trusts in New York State.

Self-Settled Trusts

These trusts allow a person with a disability to preserve his or her own assets (derived, for example, from a legal settlement, inheritance or lump-sum benefit payment) while maintaining eligibility for government entitlements.

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Third-Party Trusts

These trusts allow family members to set aside money for a loved one who has a disability without affecting the loved one’s eligibility for government benefits.

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The minimum contribution to either trust is $10,000.

About our special needs trusts

These special needs trusts are known as “pooled” trusts because the funds of all beneficiaries are invested together. However, the funds are accounted for separately, with each beneficiary having his or her own sub-account within the trust.

Each beneficiary’s principal and income are available to him or her during the beneficiary’s lifetime. In general, disbursements may be made for “extras” that are not covered by government entitlements but that enhance the beneficiary’s quality of life. These may include, for example, clothing, vacations, electronics, gym memberships or hobbies.

Decisions regarding investments, disbursements, fees, and other trust matters are made by five trustees appointed by the AHRC New York City Foundation Board of Directors. The funds are invested in a balanced portfolio at Key Bank.

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Alliance of Pooled Trusts is the first coalition in the US dedicated to uniting Pooled Trust providers in establishing best practices for the industry.