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How Clementine’s whole family benefits from Summer Camp

Clementine has been going to camp since she was six years old. 

She is with her wonderful counselors, who are dedicated to her 24/7. Everyone at camp who needs their own counselor can have their own counselor. It’s a level of counselor support that is almost unheard of at summer camps!

While Clementine is enjoying camp – her favorite activities are swimming and horseback riding – her sister, Noni, enjoys time at home with her mom. Because, while campers are enjoying their independence and connecting with new and old friends, their caregivers and families get a break.

Rebecca explains, “Siblings of children with disabilities often feel isolated and overlooked. Camp allows me to provide undivided attention to my other daughter, Noni, one week per year, and I consider that time a precious gift.”

“I have two daughters who benefit from camp… even though Clementine is the only one who actually attends!”

Rebecca (Clementine’s mom)
Noni and her sister Clementine hold hands on the sidewalk in New York City
Noni and Clementine in New York City

When Clementine is at Camp Anne, Rebecca and Noni take a special vacation together and do all the things that can be tough when Clementine is home.

Family show of Noni, Clementine and their mother Rebecca with Clementine's babysitter DonAsia Credle
L-R: Noni, DonAsia Credle, Clementine and Rebecca

“Noni spends all year planning her special week with me. She can choose to travel anywhere she wants. The most important part is that Noni and I are together and she is receiving 100% of my attention. Knowing how well-cared-for Clementine is at Camp Anne allows me to get a little bit of relaxation as well.”

For the campers and their caregivers, camp is inspiring, revitalizing and memorable.  Camp is something that stays with them, and it’s something they look forward to all year long.

We are so thankful for your support, which has touched the lives of so many children and adults who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Please help AHRC NYC continue its important work.

Because every family deserves summer memories.